


Our team has access to link individuals to mental, physical, and social service support. With a vast knowledge of NJ mental health system a person seeking services, housing can be assisted upon request.


Our Care Kits are available upon request to help give a survivor the little things they need when first seeking help.
They contain hygiene items, change of clothes, undergarments, brush, journal, pen, and Mental Health Resource Guide (NJ).
We have partnered with local outpatient resources and police departments to ensure delivery of the Care Kits are available when needed.
We also have the capabilities of mailing the Care Kits to anywhere within the US.


If a survivor has a need and a special requested item. Click the link. We are ready and able to assist in specific needs that keeps the survivor from returning to captivity.

We help bring aide and assistance to identified victims of human trafficking.

We partner with Work Zone Contractors to further enhance the work of TAT (Truckers Against Trafficking) with educating and being identified as a resource for an individual looking to escape.


27 million people are estimated to be trafficked worldwide, with millions more affected by the exploitation.

1 in 5

1 in 5 human trafficking victims in the U.S. were lured or recruited online, particularly through social media platforms.*


75% of human trafficking victims are women and girls, and 25% are children. The average age of entry into sex trafficking for minors is 12-14 years old.

$150 Billion

Human trafficking generates an estimated $150 billion annually in illegal profits worldwide*